
10/10 Content - (Word Count, Brief Synopsis, Description of Pro/ Cons, Rating is included at the 
9/10 Sentence Structure -  (Clear simple sentences with correct verb conjugation)

5/ 5 Vocabulary - (Use a range of movie specific vocabulary in a the correct context)

Content: /10 (Includes 10 sentences about your weekend, sentences are fairly complex and descriptive, a wide range of vocabulary is used, sentences are clear and properly constructed)

Verb Conjugation /10 (First 5 sentences are properly conjugated using aller + infinitive, Second 5 sentences are properly conjugated using the futur simple)

Total    /20

Lang 8



Content     /5  (Your analyis is approx. 100 words, is well written and is posted in the Journal section of your website)

Analysis    /5 (You have provided an intellingent review of this app, demonstrating clear and objectives points and 

Appearance /5 (Your post is well organized and includes images, links, embeds and or screen shots)

Self Evaluation    /5   - Copy the evaluation guide into the Self Assessment section of your website and complete it





Content     5/5  (Your analyis is approx. 100 words, is well written and is posted in the Journal section of your website)

Analysis    4/5 (You have provided an intellingent review of this app, demonstrating clear and objectives points and 

Appearance 4/5 (Your post is well organized and includes images, links, embeds and or screen shots)

Content Regular:
ER verbs The explanation covers all the rules, makes sense and information is correct.   2 /2
IR verbs The explanation covers all the rules, makes sense and information is correct.   2 /2
RE verbs   The explanation covers all the rules, makes sense and information is correct.    2/2

Content Irregular:

Être, Avoir, Aller, Faire    5 /5  All four verbs are conjugated with examples.     

 Passé Composé with être     5/5 All 16 verbs are listed, examples are given and the rule explaining adding an
                                                             e and s are included

Passé Composé using the Reflexive    5/5 Examples are given using all forms of the reflexive pronouns (me,
                                                                                  te, se, nous, vous, se), rules are outlined about using être
                                                                                  and agreement with an addes e and s.

Film Quality and Editing   8 / 10: Film is professional looking, audio is clear and editing adds to the movie.

Self Reflection    5/5: Self Reflection is completed, both question at the end are answered in detail and posted
                                          in the Self Evaluation section of your website.

Website Upload      5/5: Video is published on YouTube or embedded  and published on Student Weebly site, in your Projects section.

Is there anything else you would like me to notice about your assignment?

What new information or skills did you learn during the creation of this project?

Total:   44/46

Method 1    
- Each method must be clearly outlined    1 /1
 - Information must be accurate     2/2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots.    1 /2

Method 2  
- Each method must be clearly outlined    1 /1
 - Information must be accurate    2 /2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots    . 1/2

Method 3  
- Each method must be clearly outlined     1/1
 - Information must be accurate     2/2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots.     1/2

Self Evaluation complete and posted in Self Evaluation section of your website
You have answered both self-evaluation questions intelligently.                4/5

Total        16/20

What would you like me to notice about your assignment?
 I did a nice job on it!
What new skills did you learn during this activity?
How to write accents on the computer

Mr Mark’s Website Self Evaluation Form:French Class

Name (First and Last Initial only pleace ***privacy):  Maxie B

Grade Level:  11

Website Address (URL) : http://maxiefrench11.weebly.com/

*** Follows format  firstnamefrench10.weebly.com

*** If it does not follow format edit it in your Weebly settings please.

1)    Home Page:  (Includes original images, and brief description of the nature of the site)      4/5

2)    Journal Page: (Is in blog form, includes original image with a French, journal theme)       3/5

3)     Moi  - ( In page form – include image(s) or video that reflects you or your interests.      4/5

4)    Personal Dictionary –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/dictionary theme)     4/5

5)    Notes – (In blog form, includes original image that has a French/notes theme)       4/5

6)    Projects –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/projects  theme)       4/5 

7)    Links – ( In page form and includes links to www.quizlet.com and Mr Mark's website www.mrmarkteachescedar.weebly.com )       4/5

Total               27/35

Is there anything else you would like me to notice: